Monday, 27 August 2007

The Imaginary Pet

Here's a question. So get your thinkin' caps on (that includes you Antonio Martinez) cause this one's deep. The nature of the kingdom of God is often debated so let's hear your opinions.

What is the kingdom Jesus talked about?

What implications does that have for us?

P.S. I am reading the book This Beautful Mess by Rick McKinley. I like it so far - refreshing and thought provoking - but I'm not sure I agree with him yet.

1 comment:

oljonnyhurd said...

I haven't read all the passages that talk about the kingdom but it seems that it has something to do with last chances. I vaguely recall the Baptist talking about repentance.
As far as implications go,I believe it is as at hand today as 2 thousand years ago. It is soon, it is near, it has come, it is in me. It's like an eternal concept.