I was listening to CBC the other morning and I was amazed when I heard the Public Service Announcements. The first PSA was for an event held by a group in the city. This was not a Christian organization, but for some reason I knew I had heard this announcement before. I was saying it along with the announcer in my mind. After she finished describing the event that would be filled with music and special guests, she went on to add the last line, one that I new off by heart - “We hope you’ll join us for a time of fun, food and _____.” My mind filled in “fellowship” but the lady said “entertainment.” Even though that last word was different, the announcement itself was identical to the announcements I’ve heard for church events. In most announcements for church events, there is usually nothing particularly spiritual about them. The only thing different is the word “fellowship” - no prayer, no worship, no praise. But what does “fellowship” mean? I have gone to Christian events full of “fun (usually corny jokes and a couple of games), food (stuffing oursleves is something we always do well - it is really the main event and everyone knows that if you don’t have food people won’t show up), and fellowship (the rest of the world calls it hanging out). Very few times does “fellowship” leave me with anything more than the joy that I get being with my friends who do not believe in God. This makes me wonder if our version of fellowship today makes a mockery of what the Bible said when it describes the early church as being “devoted to the apostles' teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Maybe it’s just me but when I hear that we are going to have “fun, food and fellowship,” it makes me not want to attend that event. How different is the church today different than the world we live in? If we are to be a shining light, if we are to expect people to take notice, if we are to point people to Jesus, how will this happen when our light has blended in so well with the darkness. I long for more...
The second PSA was from a church. After hearing the first one, I was interested to hear this one. However, I was sorely disappointed. The announcement was for a fundraising concert for the church building project. The performers were listed and it was stated that the music would be “classical, sacred and secular.” What does that mean exactly? Once again there appears to be no difference between the church and the local community center. What would Jesus say to the church today? I think he would saddened as his body - his hands, his feet - got together for “fun, food and fellowship” listening to “classical, sacred and secular” instead of going out into the harvest fields. Time is short...
“You say that I’m coming back soon, but you act like I’ll never return” - Keith Green
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