Sunday 15 April 2007

Stupid Kids And Their Stupid Internet! What Do You Want To Know? I'll Tell You Right Now!

Ok today I'm going to crack techie code talk. So if someone has ever told you anything about a computer and then walked away and you still had no idea what they were saying, then this blogs for you.
So here's the translations...

"I can fix that. It will only take a minute" - means you better have five hours to let me play around with it and I may or may not find out the problem.
"That's your anti-virus interfering" - means I have no idea what the problem is but I can't admit it.
"You'll have it back in a couple of days" - means it will be a couple of days before we get around to looking at it.
"Oh that's bad" - means you better start shopping around.

Can you tell my computer is ready to be thrown out the window??? I have absolutely nothing spritual to say today.

On a different note, one of our friends writes their name backwards on her emails. Mine looks really weird - Anwahs Sregor


Dave Mac said...

Hey, do you want me to get your computer fixed? It will only take an hour or so. Probably is Norton causing all the problems. Don't throw it out the window.
divad yennihlecm :-)

oljonnyhurd said...

If you were really writing your name backwards it would look like this: druh noj